SEE- Science


  • Enrolled Students 1
  • Lesson 1
  • MCQs 0
  • Video Duration 1000.00 Minutes
Course Description

Science explores the wonders of the natural world, using observation, experimentation, and analysis to uncover the secrets of the universe. From the microscopic world of atoms to the vastness of outer space, science encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and more. Through the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, science drives innovation, solves complex problems, and shapes our understanding of the world we inhabit Course included:- Detail Explanation of chapters. QNA Recorded videos


Rajkumar Thapa
Science Teacher

Greetings, I am Rajkumar Thapa, a seasoned science educator dedicated to cultivating a profound understanding of scientific principles. With extensive experience, I bring a student-centric approach to learning, aiming not only for exam success but also to ignite a genuine passion for scientific inquiry. Through a dynamic and engaging curriculum, I empower students to think critically and approach the world with a scientific mindset. Join me on an exciting journey of unraveling the mysteries of the natural world, where academic success is intertwined with a lifelong appreciation for the marvels of science.



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